The Trust and Truth of Digitalisation in Maritime Domain: where are we?
Dr. Michele Fiorini, The Institution of Engineering and Technology in London (United Kingdom)

Educated at Ancona (Italy), Bath (United Kingdom) and Gdańsk (Poland) Universities, Michele Fiorini holds a Ph.D. in electronic and telecommunications engineering in Italy and an M.B.A. in strategy, programme and project management in Poland. He is a principal engineer and engineering manager for Leonardo s.p.a. in Rome (Italy) and industrial member of the e-navigation committee at the International Association of marine aids to navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) in Paris (France). He is an active volunteer at the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) in London (UK), where he served on different boards and committees including Council (2003-06 and 2015-18) and Qualification Board (2006-09) where he was the first non-UK member elected ever.
Dr Fiorini has been consortium leader for the realisation of the “Zautomatyzowanego Systemu Radarowego Nadzoru (ZSRN) polskich obszarów morskich / Automatic National System of Radar Control for Maritime Areas of Poland” realized by Selex – Sistemi Integrati (now Leonardo s.p.a.) in consortium with local partners. In June 2018 he was invited to provide special lecture and advices at Mokpo National Maritime University (MMU), Republic of Korea on how to solve navigational risk based on vulnerability of maritime accidents for e-Navigation. Michele Fiorini has been appointed Expert Evaluator for the Baltic Sea research programme BONUS, science for a better future of the Baltic Sea region, funded EUR 100 million for the years 2011-’17 and was session chair at the 2013 Euro-Asia Economic Forum in Xi’an, China.
Dr Fiorini is a serving member of the Advisory Board of the MBA Programme -AMBA accredited- at the Gdańsk University of Technology in Poland and has been the Chair of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Council 2017-2018 in London, UK. He is on judging panel of the E&T Trust and Truth Award 2021.